Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office awarded Liberty Manor for Veterans, CEO – Connie Lindsay the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Community Enrichment Award, Wednesday, June 19, 2013. The mission of Liberty Manor is to promote the developmental and social needs of honorably discharged veterans by providing transitional, supported housing and establishing objectives designed to attribute to self-sufficiency.
Sertoma Service to Mankind 2013 Award
Connie Lindsay, CEO for Liberty Manor for Veterans, Inc., was awarded the 2013 Sertoma Service to Mankind Award for Significant and Meritorious Service to Mankind. Blaney originated the first program with its unique modality designed to lead homeless veterans into self-sufficiency. Sertoma is a service-oriented club that has been in existence for over 45-plus years. […]
Sun Air Services & Rotary Club of Brandon 86
Sun Air Services installs air conditioner for Veterans home! For more information for Rotary Club of Brandon 86 and Sun Air Services – www.sunairtampa.com www.brando86rotary.com
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