State of Florida Sons of AM Vets

The prestigious organization STATE OF FLORIDA SONS OF AM VETS, under the direction of Department Commander – Ken Barber and AmVets Post 26 SONS Commander Jeff Peck, coordinated a State effort to assist the Liberty Manor for Veterans initiative. The mission of Liberty Manor is to promote the developmental and social needs of honorably discharged veterans by providing transitional, supported housing and establishing objectives designed to attribute to self-sufficiency.
The State of Florida SONS of Am Vets donated a utility trailer and a monetary donation to Liberty Manor for Veterans providing the means for them to pick up furniture from donors who are willing to donate furniture to assist veterans as they transition out of Liberty Manor and begin to furnish their own homestead. The donation by the Sons of Am Vets will also assist Liberty Manor to become financially self sufficient by implementing a Veterans Thrift Store, whereby donated furniture and clothing will be sold at discounted prices providing the veterans an opportunity to become gainfully employed and an opportunity to become self sufficient. Anyone interested in assisting this meritorious organization can call Army veteran Jeff Luddeke (813) 352-7856.
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